salma sultana


Former End User Consultant, Current Software Developer, and a Master's degree holder in Data Science and Engineering.

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Let’s move on to the script section of our App.vue file.

Our script should clearly define the variables and event handler methods.

For example, in our app, the to-do items get stored in an array called tasks[] which has variables of its own - id, text, completed and edit with their initial values.

Each todo-item stored in the tasks[] array will have an id, some text, completed, and edit values. Other than tasks, we have newTask, nextID to store the to-do items entered by the user.

In methods, we have addTask() which takes the input from md-input, stores it in tasks[] and displays the same in the md-list-item element.

The completeAll() is a simple method to mark all items in the list as completed. The strike-through property is obtained by the class .strike-through which is included in our style section.

clearList() too is a simple method to clear the items of a array.

Below is the complete script which was used in my application:

export default {
  name: "App",
  data: function() {
    return {
      title: "",
      card: {
        title: "A simple todo list using Vue material",
        subTitle: "by Salma Sultana"
      tasks: [
          text:"Add your first todo",
          completed: false,
          edit: false
      newTask: "",
      nextId: 1,
  methods: {
    addTask: function() {
      if (this.newTask.trim() === "")
          id: this.nextId,
          text: this.newTask,
          completed: false,
          edit: false
      this.newTask = "";
    completeAll: function () {
      for (const task of this.tasks)
        task.completed = true;
    clearList: function () {
    mounted: function() {
      this.$nextTick(function () {
        var newTask = document.getElementById("newTask");

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