Former End User Consultant, Current Software Developer, and a Master's degree holder in Data Science and Engineering.
Once the installation is completed successfully, change into the todo-list/src directory to open the file App.vue. This is where we need to make the necessary changes. You may remove all the content which is in the <div> </div> tag.
We are using the following Vue Material components in our application.
Our application is a simple to-do list. It allows the user to:
I started by adding the card component and then inserted the rest of the components inside the card. Below is a code snippet used in my todo-list app. You may modify the theme and the components to customize your application.
View my full project on github
<div id="app">
<md-card md-with-hover>
<div class="md-title"> </div>
<div class="md-subhead"> </div>
<md-input-container id="newTaskContainer">
<md-input ref="newTask" id="newTask" v-model="newTask" @keyup.enter.native="addTask()" placeholder="What needs to be done?"></md-input>
<md-list-item v-for="(task, index) in tasks" :key="">
<div v-show="task.edit == false" v-bind:class="task.completed?'strike-through':''">
<label @dblclick="task.edit=true"> </label>
<input v-show="task.edit == true" v-model="task.text"
v-on:blur= "task.edit=false; $emit('update')"
@keyup.enter="task.edit=false; $emit('update')" />
<md-checkbox ref="markTaskAsComplete" id="markTaskAsComplete" v-model="task.completed"></md-checkbox>
<md-button class="md-raised md-primary" @click.native="completeAll()"> Mark all as completed </md-button>
<md-button class="md-raised md-primary" @click.native="clearList()"> Clear List </md-button>
<p> Double click to edit an existing todo </p>
I added the hover effect to my card using the md-with-hover
property. The card is divided into two self-explanatory sub-components md-card-header
and md-card-content
The md-card-header
is to display the title and subtitle using classes
and the md-card-content
contains the rest of the components.
For input, we are using md-input
element of md-field
component. Each element should have an id, v-model, and event. The event of our textfield is @keyup.enter.native
which will allow the to-do item to get added in the list once the user hits the enter key.
The md-list
component allows us to view the to-dos added in a list format using the md-list-item
element. To display the to-dos added by the user, we are using the v-for
directive. Each item in the list has an event @dblclick
and a directive v-show
which will allow the user to edit the to-do item.
The md-checkbox
element of form
component is used to mark a to-do item as completed.
The md-button
component has been used twice in our application. One button is to mark all items as completed and the other is to clear the list. The button’s event is @click.native
which point to their respective functions.